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April. 24. 2014

New Cornell program to advance science policy profiled

Cornell's new Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) program, funded by the National Institutes of Health, was profiled in Science Careers. One track in Cornell's BEST program focuses on science policy and is led by Chris Schaffer.

April. 24. 2014

Schaffer to serve on UFC

Chris Schaffer was elected by the faculty to serve on the University Faculty Committee. This committee serves as a primary liaison between the university administration and the faculty and also acts as the executive committee for the faculty senate (where Chris is also serving as a senator). Chris' term will begin this summer and run through 2017.

March. 21. 2014

Calvin Kersbergen wins a poster prize



Calvin Kersbergen presented at the annual Cornell BioExpo poster competition for the lab's research on manipulating capillary plug rate through depletion of leukocytes in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. BioExpo is a research symposium that celebrates biological and biomedical research performed by undergraduates and masters of engineering students on campus and is organized by the Institute of Biological Engineers at Cornell. His poster, “Stalled blood flow in cortical capillaries, caused by recurrent plugging by leukocytes, contributes to brain blood flow reductions in mouse models of Alzheimer's disease", placed 2nd in the poster competition, winning a $250 cash prize!

June. 4. 2012

Congratulations to 2012 graduates from the lab



A number of people have completed degrees at Cornell from the lab this year. Ida Bernstein, Rob Fetcho, Dalanda Jalloh, Susie Jin, Sanket Pattanaik, and Steve Tilley all received undergraduate degrees. Morgan Brophy, Ryan Chowdhury, Jason Jones, and Andy Siliciano all received Master of Engineering degrees. Finally, Matt Farrar and Puifai Santisakultarm received Ph.D. degrees. Congratulations to all the graduates!

January. 26. 2012

Schaffer Lab Ladies Night



Ladies of the lab show off their karaoke skillz at The Haunt

Blog   BLOG

August. 17. 2017 | Cornell University

New Cornell Program to Advance Science Policy Profiled

Cornell's new Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) program, funded by the National Institutes of Health, was profiled in Science Careers. One track in Cornell's BEST program focuses on science policy and is led by Chris Schaffer.

August. 17. 2017 | AAAS

Schaffer's science policy course highlighted by AAAS

A blog post on the AAAS Member Central website describes the goals of Chris Schaffer's new science policy course, BME 4440 Science Policy Bootcamp: From Concept to Conclusion. This course is being offered for the first time this Fall, with an enrollment of about 20 undergraduate and graduate student scientists.

August. 17. 2017 | Cornell University

Chris Schaffer and Catharine Clark receive an Engaged Learning and Research Faculty Fellowship

There are too few scientists who understand how they might contribute to public policy. In an effort to address this problem, Prof. Chris Schaffer and Dr. Catharine Clark were recently awarded a faculty fellowship from the Cornell Center of Engaged Learning and Research. This award will be used to support a new and innovative course entitled “Science Policy Bootcamp", slated for implementation in the Biomedical Engineering Department in Fall 2013. In addition to academic and administrative support from the Center of Engaged Learning and Research, Faculty Fellows will receive a stipend of $2500.

March. 28. 2017 | The Scientista Foundation - Cornell University

To celebrate the month of March as National Women's History Month

To celebrate the month of March as National Women's History Month, the Scientista Foundation at Cornell University wanted to highlight some of our favorite women in STEM. Many times the achievements of women are overshadowed by those of their male counterparts or credited to the work of their male colleagues. We wanted to take the time to celebrate, a scientist a day, their achievements and their lasting contributions to not only the scientific world, but also the world we live in today. Today's post is our first faculty interview video featuring Scientista's current faculty advisor, Dr. Nozomi Nishimura.

Link to the Facebook Post

April. 24. 2014 | OSA/SPIE

Chris Schaffer named Arthur H. Guenther Congressional Fellow

Chris will spend his sabbatical next year in Washington, DC working as a Congressional Science Policy Fellow. This program is organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the fellowship Chris received is jointly funded by the Optical Society of America and SPIE. Chris will be placed in the office of a representative or senator and will provide advice, from the perspective of a professional scientist, on science policy issues, education, health care, climate change, energy, and other pressing policy problems. An article in the Cornell Chronicle and a press release from the OSA each discuss Schaffer’s upcoming fellowship.