
News   NEWS

June. 21. 2024

Becka Irwin accepts faculty position at Rochester

Postdoc Becka Irwin has just accepted a position as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor in the Biomedical Engineering department at the University of Rochester, to begin July 2025. Congratulations Becka!

Check out Becka's UR faculty page here.

June. 20. 2024

S-N lab continues innovative Neurotech collaborations

Through a new collaboration on VR technology with the Sarvestani lab, the Schaffer-Nishimura lab marks its 7th Neurotech project funded through the Mong Fellows program in the past 9 years, beginning with the inaugural fellowship in 2016. Congratulations to all!

  • 2024: Mobile VR goggles to investigate perceptual stability - Matthew Isaacson and Erin Kempkes
  • 2022: Predictive detection and real-time optogenetic silencing of pathological epileptiform discharges in animal models of Alzheimer’s disease - Laura Berkowitz and Ryan Harvey
  • 2021: A headset-based virtual reality system for small animal neuroscience - Matthew Isaacson and Hongyu Chang
  • 2020: A microfluidic glymphatics-on-chip to decipher transport mechanisms of endogenously produced proteins in brain tissues - Chris Brunkhorst and Aria Henderson
  • 2018: Measuring neural activity in freely moving Drosophila using bioluminescent calcium sensors - Daniel Rivera and Saumya Sahai
  • 2017: Dissecting a novel analgesic pathway across the brain-spine axis - Yu-Ting Cheng and Yi-Yun Ho
  • 2016: A barcode approach to measuring neuronal activity in the brain - Mitch Pender and Changwoo Seo

June. 6. 2024

Cornell Chronicle highlights lab's work on attenuating seizure propogation with precision laser ablation



The project, led by SN-lab alumnus Seth Lieberman, developed a surgical technique to attenuate the spread of epileptic seizures in the brain by making precise incisions with femtosecond laser pulses around epileptic foci. Check out the Cornell Chronical article here!

July. 10. 2023

Lianne Trigiani recieves Alzheimer's Association fellowship

Postdoc Lianne Trigiani has just received a postdoctoral fellowship from the Alzheimer's Association! This is the 2nd major fellowship Lianne has been awarded for research in the Schaffer-Nishimura lab (after a CIHR fellowship in 2020), a testament to her consistently high quality work!

May. 31. 2023

Matthew Isaacson awarded BrightFocus Foundation fellowship

Postdoc Matt Isaacson has just received a postdoctoral fellowship in Alzheimer's disease from the BrightFocus Foundation! The funded work will focus on imaging the neural mechanisms underlying the rescue of spatial learning and memory in AD model mice after treatment to restore cerebral blood flow. Congrats Matt!

Blog   BLOG

April. 24. 2014 | OSA/SPIE

Chris Schaffer named Arthur H. Guenther Congressional Fellow

Chris will spend his sabbatical next year in Washington, DC working as a Congressional Science Policy Fellow. This program is organized by the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the fellowship Chris received is jointly funded by the Optical Society of America and SPIE. Chris will be placed in the office of a representative or senator and will provide advice, from the perspective of a professional scientist, on science policy issues, education, health care, climate change, energy, and other pressing policy problems. An article in the Cornell Chronicle and a press release from the OSA each discuss Schaffer’s upcoming fellowship.

April. 24. 2014 | Cornell University

Liz Wayne honored for outstanding dedication to promoting women in science

Liz Wayne is one of eight recipients of the 2013 Cook Award. The Cook Award is named in honor of the late Constance E. Cook, Cornell's first woman vice president, and the late Professor Emeritus Alice E. Cook, founding member of the Advisory Committee on the Status of Women. The Award honors individuals who deserve recognition for their commitment to women's issues and their contributions for changing the climate for women at Cornell. Liz was nominated by Dr. Sheri Notaro in acknowledgement of her achievements and contribution to the Cornell community. In particular, for organizing the Northeast Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics. The awards ceremony will be held February 28th, 2013.

April. 24. 2014 | PLoS ONE/Stroke

Two new papers detail impact of microhemorrhages on the brain

In two new papers that appeared this week, the Schaffer-Nishimura lab continues to increase our understanding of how bleeds from small blood vessels impact the health and function of nearby brain cells. A short review paper that appeared in the journal Stroke outlines differences in impact of a clot or hemorrhage to a small blood vessel in the brain, emphasizing the greater destruction caused by occlusions and the potential role of inflammation in driving cognitive dysfunction after microhemorrhage. An original article that appeared in PLoS ONE shows that microhemorrhages cause a temporary loss of the ability of nearby neurons to respond to a peripheral stimulus, but that these cells recover normal function in the hours after the injury. Together these articles advance our understanding of how small brain bleeds may contribute to cognitive decline.