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May. 29. 2020

Lianne Trigiani awarded CIHR postdoctoral fellowship

Incoming postdoc Lianne Trigiani was just awarded a competitive postdoctoral fellowship from the Canadian Institutes of Health Research! The fellowship will provide 3 years of support in the Schaffer-Nishimura lab, where she will focus on cerebrovascular pathology and how different risk factors (such as hypertension and stroke) affect disease trajectory. Well done Lianne!

April. 9. 2018

Nozomi Nishimura was a featured speaker at OSA Biophotonics Congress 2018



Nozomi talked about "exploring natural behaviors of cells in the wild with in vivo multiphoton microscopy". The congress was in the Diplomat Beach Resort, Hollywood, Florida United States

August. 17. 2017

David Small receives an American Heart Association Postdoctoral Fellowship



Following a heart attack, patients often experience long term consequences, due to the limited capacity of the heart to repair following injury. Some cells in the heart have been implicated in the repair of blood vessels and heart muscle cells after injury. This project aims to use in vivo multiphoton microscopy of the heart to understand how these cells interact with their environment following injury. Title of project is " The Influence of Hypoxia on Cardiovascular Precursor Cells Following Injury using In Vivo Multiphoton Microscopy"

January. 11. 2017

Chris' 2001 paper is the 34th most cited paper of all time in the OSA journal

The Optical Society of America is celebrating the 40th anniversary of the founding of the journal Optics Letters. For this anniversary, they published the list of the most cited papers from the journal. Chris' 2001 paper on laser micromachining using low-energy, high repetition rate trains of femtosecond laser pulses is the 34th most cited paper of all time in the journal, with 628 citations as of January 2017. https://www.osapublishing.org/ol40/most-cited-OL-papers.cfm

October. 26. 2016

Amanda Bares won Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition prize at OSA

Congratulations to Amanda Bares, a 6th year PhD student in the lab, for winning an Emil Wolf Outstanding Student Paper Competition prize at the Optical Society of America, Frontiers in Optics conference last week in Rochester, NY. Her paper, "Hyperspectral Imaging in Live Mouse Cortex Using a 48-Channel Multiphoton Microscope", was chosen as a finalist during the paper review process. Finalists were judged on their conference presentation based on their work's technical advances and value to the technical community of interest, and their skill of public presentation.

Blog   BLOG

January. 16. 2025 | the Late Show with Stephen Colbert

MouseGoggles makes it to late night



MouseGoggles, the cutesy VR headset developed by Matt Isaacson and Hongyu Chang in the Schaffer-Nishimura and Ellwood Labs, has made its way to the Late Show with Stephen Colbert.
Move over Nature - being a 15-second gag on late night TV is the real scientific achievement.

August. 17. 2017 | Cornell University

New Cornell Program to Advance Science Policy Profiled

Cornell's new Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) program, funded by the National Institutes of Health, was profiled in Science Careers. One track in Cornell's BEST program focuses on science policy and is led by Chris Schaffer.

August. 17. 2017 | AAAS

Schaffer's science policy course highlighted by AAAS

A blog post on the AAAS Member Central website describes the goals of Chris Schaffer's new science policy course, BME 4440 Science Policy Bootcamp: From Concept to Conclusion. This course is being offered for the first time this Fall, with an enrollment of about 20 undergraduate and graduate student scientists.

August. 17. 2017 | Cornell University

Chris Schaffer and Catharine Clark receive an Engaged Learning and Research Faculty Fellowship

There are too few scientists who understand how they might contribute to public policy. In an effort to address this problem, Prof. Chris Schaffer and Dr. Catharine Clark were recently awarded a faculty fellowship from the Cornell Center of Engaged Learning and Research. This award will be used to support a new and innovative course entitled “Science Policy Bootcamp", slated for implementation in the Biomedical Engineering Department in Fall 2013. In addition to academic and administrative support from the Center of Engaged Learning and Research, Faculty Fellows will receive a stipend of $2500.

March. 28. 2017 | The Scientista Foundation - Cornell University

To celebrate the month of March as National Women's History Month

To celebrate the month of March as National Women's History Month, the Scientista Foundation at Cornell University wanted to highlight some of our favorite women in STEM. Many times the achievements of women are overshadowed by those of their male counterparts or credited to the work of their male colleagues. We wanted to take the time to celebrate, a scientist a day, their achievements and their lasting contributions to not only the scientific world, but also the world we live in today. Today's post is our first faculty interview video featuring Scientista's current faculty advisor, Dr. Nozomi Nishimura.

Link to the Facebook Post